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How to start/shutdown application server processes dynamically.

How to start/shutdown application server processes dynamically. This could be helpful when trying to handle a temporary increase/decrease in load on the system.

Server processes are started using the “boot” command available in 'tmadmin'. (In psadmin go to Application Server, Administer Domain, select domain), Tuxedo command line tmadmin ). Each Tuxedo server process has a server ID. The first step is determining the ID of the process you are trying to boot up. If you already have two PSQRYSRV processes booted and wish to start a third, determining the ID is simple, just type in “psr” at the 'tmadmin' command prompt. This is the same as “Server Status” done through the psadmin menu. Example:

tmadmin - Copyright (c) 1996 BEA Systems, Inc.
Portions * Copyright 1986-1997 RSA Data Security, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Distributed under license by BEA Systems, Inc.
TUXEDO is a registered trademark.

> psr
Prog Name          Queue Name            Grp Name         ID     RqDone        Load Done       Current Service
---------------    ------------------    -------------    ---    -----------   --------------  --------------------
BBL                57498                 SITE1              0            791            39550              (  IDLE )
PSAPPSRV           APPQ                  APPSRV             3              0                0              (  IDLE )
PSSAMSRV           SAMQ                  APPSRV           100              5              250              (  IDLE )
JSL                00095.00200           JSLGRP           200              0                0              (  IDLE )
WSL                00001.00020           BASE              20              0                0              (  IDLE )
PSQRYSRV           QRYQ                  APPSRV            70              0                0              (  IDLE )

The ID numbers for a particular type of server processes are allocated sequentially. so if you know you have configured a maximum of 4 PSQRYSRV processes while configuring the domain, 71, 72, and 73 are available and can be started up.

To start up a second PSQRYSRV process just type in “boot -i <ID>”. Example:

>boot -i 71
INFO: TUXEDO(r) System Release 6.5
INFO: Serial #: 1000000044, Expiration NONE, Maxusers 1000000
INFO: Licensed to: PeopleSoft

Booting server processes ...

exec PSQRYSRV -p 1,600:1,1 -sSqlQuery:SqlRequest -- -C psappsrv.cfg -D H750F20P -S PSQRYSRV : process id=17135 ... Started.
1 process started

> psr
Prog Name          Queue Name            Grp Name         ID     RqDone        Load Done       Current Service
---------------    ------------------    -------------    ---    -----------   --------------  --------------------
BBL                57498                 SITE1              0            791            39550              (  IDLE )
PSAPPSRV           APPQ                  APPSRV             3              0                0              (  IDLE )
PSSAMSRV           SAMQ                  APPSRV           100              5              250              (  IDLE )
JSL                00095.00200           JSLGRP           200              0                0              (  IDLE )
WSL                00001.00020           BASE              20              0                0              (  IDLE )
PSQRYSRV           QRYQ                  APPSRV            70              0                0              (  IDLE )
PSQRYSRV           QRYQ                  APPSRV            71              0                0              (  IDLE )

The new processes will stay up till you bring down the Domain, but won't start up automatically the next time you boot the Domain. To make the changes permanent you will have to Reconfigure the domain using 'psadmin' to change the Min and Max Instances parameters. You can start up processes up to the Max Instances defined for that particular server process type in the Domain configuration ( psappsrv.cfg )

; Settings for PSQRYSRV

; UBBGEN settings
Min Instances=2
Max Instances=4        <-------- Limiting number
Service Timeout=300  

In this example you can only start up 4 PSQRYSRV processes using the procedure above.

Shutting down Application Server processes
To shut down a server process, use the tmadmin “shutdown” command along with the server process ID. Example:

> shutdown -i 71

Shutting down server processes ...

        Server Id = 71 Group Id = APPSRV Machine = SITE1:       shutdown succeeded
tech/psoft/tmadmin_start_processes.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 12:04 by