Glassfish v3 primer
Glassfish v3 was installed by the Netbeans 6.8 IDE into ~/sun/sges-v3/glassfish
This is a quick and dirty way of getting glassfish v3 up and running. No passwords for admin no nothing!
Create a New Domain called "netbeans"
cd ~/sun/sges-v3/glassfish/bin ./asadmin asadmin> create-domain --portbase 2000 --nopassword netbeans Using port 2048 for Admin. Using port 2080 for HTTP Instance. Using port 2076 for JMS. Using port 2037 for IIOP. Using port 2081 for HTTP_SSL. Using port 2038 for IIOP_SSL. Using port 2039 for IIOP_MUTUALAUTH. Using port 2086 for JMX_ADMIN. Using port 2066 for OSGI_SHELL. Distinguished Name of the self-signed X.509 Server Certificate is: [CN=gen2.5941.local,OU=GlassFish,O=Sun Microsystems,L=Santa Clara,ST=California,C=US] No domain initializers found, bypassing customization step Domain netbeans created. Domain netbeans admin port is 2048. Domain netbeans allows admin login as user "admin" with no password. Command create-domain executed successfully.
Deleting the default domain "domain1"
asadmin> delete-domain domain1 Domain domain1 deleted. Command delete-domain executed successfully.
Starting Domain "netbeans"
asadmin> start-domain netbeans Waiting for DAS to start ...... Started domain: netbeans Domain location: ~/sun/sges-v3/glassfish/domains/netbeans Log file: ~/sun/sges-v3/glassfish/domains/netbeans/logs/server.log Admin port for the domain: 2048 Command start-domain executed successfully.
Stopping Domain "netbeans"
asadmin> stop-domain netbeans Waiting for the domain to stop ..... Command stop-domain executed successfully.
At this point you can visit the following URL's to see if everything is working.
http://localhost:2080 for the main application web page
http://localhost:2048 for the administration console
To do more asadmin command line stuff for our new domain, you need to tell asadmin some info via environment variables:
export AS_ADMIN_HOST=localhost export AS_ADMIN_PORT=2048 ./asadmin
tech/misc/glassfishv3.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 12:04 by